Home made server...

I managed after ages of trying hard, to get my NAT transverse to work :-) !! This means the computer sitting in my house should be reachable worldwide at dueyfinster.com. It’s login screen is from Ampache music center, a php+mysql solution to a large music catalogue such as mine. It means (for those who can login :-) ) that my whole collection is streamable, downloadable, rateable and generally all round goodness and what you’d expect from a top class open source media+web application! I am excited about this, as I have already tried it from a remote family members house. Unfortunately it does not work too well half way across the world in the US (speed is *really* slow I have been gleefully informed), but I am not too bothered, upgrades in speed will come with better broadband (which may be years, this is Ireland). I am trying to restrict peoples usage of it at the moment, as I really do not want a letter from my Internet Service Provider!

For those interested in hardware, its a cheapo Dell PC I picked up during the summer for less than €400. I’d say I’ll get a little more than a year (If I am lucky) out of it, than I will be asking heavy users of it to donate for new hardware (likely some weak point in it, methinks), I just hope I won’t be the only heavy user ;-) I also set up proftpd on it, so I should be able to modify its web directory, and my home directory on it. Check out my hardware page and see the 2Ghz Dell for the PC I am on about. As and ever, it runs Kubuntu Linux, and as I write it chugs away gleefully (for now………)